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World reflection of my good work «The Divan of Jahanshah Haghighi,» Shah Turkman, Shah Tebriz,

An English article about the global reflection of my book - Dr. H. OWNUK
Click on the page of the author's Masterpiece of Manuscripts of Jahanshah Haghighi on the site of US state and North American Libraries
After the published of the Collected Poems of Jahanshah Haghighi in Iran in 2014 / M, our people still do not understand the magnitude and importance of this effect, which is very unfortunate. In the context of the significance and influence of this work we will weigh in the separate article in the second volume. The first of its importance is to connect our history and literature had chained from the pre-Makhtumkuli era to the ancient era.
This work in Iran as an important part of the history of Turkmens in the National Consortium and at the Iran-Esfahan Library Information Library and in Iran's National Library Information Bases First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Historical records has been widely published. The importance of that year to year is rising. Of course, there may well be some shortcomings in the first volume of the last edition, which will be resolved, and more detailed research has been done in second book of addition to the previous paper Minorsky entered, and the work was given to its historical rank is containing 500 pages.
This work has been recorded in a historical record that we have included the images and related links. Unfortunately, our nation is still immersed in its historical neglect, but this has its own reasons, which it are not mentioned in this short talk. In the hope of a second edition, the historic patrimony of our nation, the Turks and Turkmens, and the lost circle of our history and literature, which after 500 years of the separation of the two Turk and Turkmen ethniks, has been done accomplished by the humble research work of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.
These activities have brought Turkmen manuscripts from Armenia to Turkmenistan in the efforts and efforts of Turkmen scholars. Our citations are the same poems, in besides that research, Minorsky and the belongings of one of the classics of Turkmens lyrics "Sayat-Hemra" were also revealed!
At that time, I was responsible for classifying the works of collected from other countries of the world, which was observed in Turkmen, in relation to the inseparable share of the science of the history and literature of our nation with the Turks of Azerbaijan, Qashqai's and the whole world, unified cultural, linguistic The as a same nation with the root of a single Oguzs foundation, has been accomplished. In addition to the lyrics, the historical research of its texts was written and published by the author of this work. But And it is a tiny gift to the Turk ethnics who live in Iran, whose affinity and fraternity must be strengthened by these work. May this book make a nations in a geographic multiplicity ... unique. This work, in one of the most important historical records, has featured it at first-class centers of the world.
Success blesses you! Dr. Hangeldi Ownuk – Sunday 5-May-2019 – Toronto CA

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زندگی و آثار-جهانشاه حقیقی-نئنگ حیاتی و دؤردیجیلیگی-يعيش و يعمل في جهان شاه الحقيقي-د.خ.اونق
Email address: han.own@hotmail.com - Dr. H. OWNUK